Jeff Havens is a speaker, author, and professional development expert who tackles leadership, generational, and professional development issues with an exceptional blend of content and entertainment. He is a contributing writer to Fast Company, Entrepreneur, BusinessWeek, The Wall Street Journal; and has been featured on CNBC and Fox Business. For more information, or to bring Jeff to your next meeting, contact Donna Buttice at Platinum Speakers Agency at 630.330.7533.
*originally published in my April newsletter I’ve been speaking about leadership for several years now. I’ve read hundreds of leadership books and articles and case studies and biographies, although I have to space them out because eventually your brain begs you to stop torturing yourself and to go do something enjoyable instead. Why? Because after…
Several months ago, a bunch of famous linguists and grammarians got together to pick the 2014 word of the year; however, they made a huge mistake with their conclusion. If I were them I wouldn’t quit my day job. Check out this video:
Well, there’s no getting around it – summer’s about to arrive. After months of blissful cold and weeks of glorious rain and mud everywhere you look, we’re about to be stuck with sunshine and clear skies for a few months. And trust me, I know how depressing that is. Personally I wish we could live…
Let’s be honest, there’s plenty of things we do on a daily basis that we can’t stand doing. Change your perspective. Have a great week!
When it comes to generational differences in the workplace, one of the more common distinctions we tend to make is that Traditionalists and Baby Boomers “live to work,” while Gen Xers and Millennials “work to live.” This is typically presented as a generation-specific quality; in other words, Baby Boomers have always lived to work, and…
So I fly a lot, and most of it is with Delta. Part of that is because I’ve never had any problem with them, but part of it is because I live in the kind of sprawling megalopolis where the airport offers a choice of…wait for it…two airlines, and the other one is United, and…
I’m sure you’ve heard that ‘less is more.’ I’m also sure you’ve realized how often that theory is completely ridiculous. It’s not like you’ve ever said, “Oh please, give me less cheesecake, for that shall be so much more filling.” When it comes to cheesecake, more is definitely more, and usually more isn’t even enough.…
Unleash Your Inner Tyrant TV Episode 13 In this leadership video I’m discussing how you can be perceived as a micromanager by asking ridiculous questions. Don’t do this. Did you like this video? Sign up for my newsletter here and get future episodes in your inbox. Or check out my Unleash Your Inner Tyrant! keynote…
A couple months ago, NBC ran an article predicting the potential demise of keyboarding classes. It seems that so many kids are becoming accustomed to texting that they don’t see the need to learn formal keyboarding. It also seems that smartphone manufacturers believe that predictive keyboarding is advancing at a rate that will make the…
Here’s some Monday Motivation for you. A true tale about what your kids need to know about homework. Have a great week!