Jeff Havens is a speaker, author, and professional development expert who tackles leadership, generational, and professional development issues with an exceptional blend of content and entertainment. He is a contributing writer to Fast Company, Entrepreneur, BusinessWeek, The Wall Street Journal; and has been featured on CNBC and Fox Business. For more information, or to bring Jeff to your next meeting, contact Donna Buttice at Platinum Speakers Agency at 630.330.7533.
Hello, and Happy New Year! By now you should have already seen my super awesome New Year’s video (if not, click, and so you should already have a few good ideas about how to gear up for the year to make 2012 one of your most successful ever. However, you should also be aware…
I hope you all had a happy and and prosperous 2011. Here I offer up some business resolutions for this year!
Probably not this, but it’s an interesting idea. I’m sure the money will be waiting for him when he gets out of jail.
Hello, eager readers, and happy merry holidaytime. In honor of the upcoming new year, many of us will make resolutions to lose weight and go to the gym and spend more time with our families and all kinds of other crap that we won’t actually bother with. So I’ve come up with a collection of…
Woo-hoo! First off, all articles should start that way. “Woo-hoo!” is a much better greeting than “Hello.” But in this case, my enthusiasm is well-earned. Because I just read an article that gave me a few awesome ideas. It turns out that a 2009 employee survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Managers found…
Hey all! Today’s article is going to be short, but it’s also going to be amazing. Why? Because I’ve found a piece of empirical information that should warm the hearts of all the managers out there in Managerland. Are you ready? Here we go. One study of healthcare workers found that when employees were working…
It’s about time for another one of these, wouldn’t you say? Given that I haven’t posted a Profile in Tyranny for a while, you might think that I’ve managed to go a few weeks without running into somebody I’d like to hit over the head. And you’re correct. It’s been a good November. Until today.…
Good morning, everyone! I know you’re not all reading this in the morning, but I’m writing it in the morning, and so I’m saying…wait a second. Hold on, no I’m not writing it in the morning. I planned to write it this morning, but it’s actually 1:30pm. How did that happen? Where did the morning…
Geoffrey Havens-smith here, and top of the morning to you. It has come to my attention that many of you have been deluded into the belief that the times are changing. I’ve heard murmurs – whisperings about town, at the saloon and such – that things today are a mite different than they used to…