How to Become An Economist
I put this video together three years ago just for fun and it’s amazing how the message is still as timely as it was when we filmed it! Video below…
For Speaking Inquiries, Contact Donna Buttice
I put this video together three years ago just for fun and it’s amazing how the message is still as timely as it was when we filmed it! Video below…
Hello all! I’m currently writing to you whilst in my pajamas. They’re bright pink, and they go great with the silvery boa I have draped around my neck. My feet are quite warm in their bunny slippers, and my ears are nice and toasty behind the bunny earmuffs I threw on in an ecstatic fit…
Hello everyone, and (almost) welcome to September! We’re finally done with the tedium of warm days and scampering around in swimsuits. No longer shall you have to pretend to love spending your every waking moment with your children, since you now once again ship them off to school! And perhaps most importantly of all, I’m…
Earlier this month, an entire cadre of interns was fired for submitting a petition to their employer asking for a more relaxed dress code. The Internet got hold of the story, and all kinds of people decided to weigh in. “Kids these days,” said Jason Chalker, whoever that is. “Real life can be brutal,” Glenn…
Recently my wife and I had a disagreement about how to wash the dishes. She’s a big fan of throwing every single thing into the dishwasher, which I largely applaud. But occasionally there’s an exceptionally dirty pot that needs more vigorous attention than our meager dishwasher can provide, and so I’ve argued to have those…
Hello, and welcome to the Olympics! As many of you already know, I have decided not to participate this year. It was a difficult decision, but in the end my complete lack of talent won the day. Just once in my life I’d like to pit myself against any Olympic athlete in any sport –…
Leadership is an art. And, as with any art form, some people are better at it than others. In painting, for example, some people create breathtaking masterpieces, scenes of sweeping beauty and poignant emotion capable of evoking rapture in the viewer. Others paint reasonably well, good enough to admire but not quite deserving of the…
Wow! Today is an awesome day to have no idea what I was going to write until 10 minutes ago. When I woke up this morning I had absolutely no useful thoughts. I couldn’t even decide what I wanted to eat for breakfast; I merely stared at my various boxes of cereal, trying to remember…
Hello, and welcome to summer! More than that, welcome to a short workweek! There’s a good chance that you think today is Tuesday, and if that’s the case then it’s quite possible you’re still drunk from the weekend. Your clothes might smell vaguely of barbecue sauce and charcoal, and your nose is probably peeling. You’ve…