Jeff Havens is a speaker, author, and professional development expert who tackles leadership, generational, and professional development issues with an exceptional blend of content and entertainment. He is a contributing writer to Fast Company, Entrepreneur, BusinessWeek, The Wall Street Journal; and has been featured on CNBC and Fox Business. For more information, or to bring Jeff to your next meeting, contact Donna Buttice at Platinum Speakers Agency at 630.330.7533.
Hello, and welcome to the end of 2016! It feels a bit like a break-up. I mean, I know I’m never going to see 2016 again, but am I making the right decision? Should I really be leaving 2016 for 2017? I mean, I hardly even know 2017. What if she’s not as good for…
Yes, we’ve posted this video for the last couple of years, but it’s still fun and hopefully encourages everyone to get in the right spirit for the holiday season!
My wife works at a giant company which recently announced they were going to merge with another giant company in order to create an ever gianter company with a handful of baby subsidiary spinoff companies that will each also be giant companies all by themselves. From the outside, it looks to me like a not-so-subtle…
Sweden. The very name conjures images of yodeling shepherd women and…wait, no that’s Germany. Ah yes, the majestic fjords of…hold on, that’s Norway. White sandy beaches sounds more Caribbean-y. What’s Sweden known for, anyway?
I’ve been a professional keynote speaker now for over a decade, which means I know what I’m saying when I tell you that nobody really wants to look at me while I’m talking. To be fair, it’s not just me – nobody really wants to look at anyone while they’re delivering a presentation, which is…
The demo video for my newest keynote, Uncrapify Your Future! The Most Innovative Innovation Keynote EVER! is finally available! I hope it inspires you to do something great!
Surprise! Last month I told you that a had a fun surprise for you this month, and here it is – my wife and I are expecting our first child! We decided that we had too much disposable income and free time, and anyway I’ve been sleeping far too well lately. There was this one…
October is a season for change, which is why I think it appropriate to share with you the story of a friend of mine who is considering changing careers. His story, I think, is a fairly common one: he works for a small company, is grateful for the opportunity they gave him when they hired…
Welcome to October! The earth is moving ever farther away from the sun (which is not at all what’s happening), and trees all around the world are very, very slowly trying to kill us. If only they could drop their leaves all at once, they might succeed in taking a few of us out –…
If you get my newsletter (which you absolutely should!!) you probably read about our initiative with and the unexpected upside that comes with being charitable. Well our little libraries are all finished and I wanted to provide a quick update on the AMAZING response we received! In fact, we had more people wanting the…