Jeff Havens is a speaker, author, and professional development expert who tackles leadership, generational, and professional development issues with an exceptional blend of content and entertainment. He is a contributing writer to Fast Company, Entrepreneur, BusinessWeek, The Wall Street Journal; and has been featured on CNBC and Fox Business. For more information, or to bring Jeff to your next meeting, contact Donna Buttice at Platinum Speakers Agency at 630.330.7533.
I know, I know – you’re wondering about the word ‘become’ in the title. You’re thinking, “People don’t become insufferable salespeople. Salespeople are inherently insufferable.” But that isn’t true. Truly awful salespeople are made, not born. And I’m about to teach you how to make yourself into the kind of salesperson that will make customers…
We hope you are liking the new look of the site. We put it together to provide a wider variety of video and showcase Jeff’s new presentations and new book, Unleash Your Inner Tyrant! Please feel free to send your comments on the site and let us know if there is anything you’d like us…
I discuss some possible solutions to the United States job issue…
Katy Perry’s appearance was recently cut from Sesame Street – I’m sure Elmo had something to do with it.
I feel like shaking things up a bit, so today I’m starting off with a fable. You might have heard it before. Once upon a time there was a scorpion that wanted to cross a river. He began to research the rudiments of shipbuilding and was about to solicit bids from a small number of…
I’ve got it! Follow me here…
There are some fundamental flaws in the game plan for these thieves.
Well this is an interested app that I bet Steve Jobs didn’t foresee when they created the iPod.
Wyclef Jean wants to be president of Haiti and then Gerry calls me a birther…
Jeff has recently been added to the list of expert writers for and will be featured in his own section of the website based on his presentation “How to Get Fired!” HeadDrama is owned by the parent company of the Daily Buzz – a nationally syndicated morning TV news show on which Jeff has…