Jeff Havens is a speaker, author, and professional development expert who tackles leadership, generational, and professional development issues with an exceptional blend of content and entertainment. He is a contributing writer to Fast Company, Entrepreneur, BusinessWeek, The Wall Street Journal; and has been featured on CNBC and Fox Business. For more information, or to bring Jeff to your next meeting, contact Donna Buttice at Platinum Speakers Agency at 630.330.7533.
Recently the Atlanta Falcons came under fire for pumping crowd noise into their stadium in attempt to show that people actually liked them and they recently lost a draft pick because of it along with a boatload of cash. Well, I decided to make a quick video giving you my thoughts on this scandal of…
Last week we talked about believing in yourself. Now I’m telling you that’s not enough. Uncrapify Your Life today!!
Unleash Your Inner Tyrant TV Episode 11 In this episode I’m discussing the proper ration of positive to negative communication and then expressing my view about the compliment sandwich, which is FAR more superior! How do you handle making sure that you don’t sound too negative when talking with your co-workers?
There is a lot of conversation around the iWatch these days. Why would I want to buy another iPhone and stick it on my wrist? Am I that lazy? Do I want to spend $500 so I can constantly stare at my heart rate? Well, maybe not. But I bet you’d be OK with it…
Last month I had the opportunity to speak for the owners of 300+ Arby’s restaurants, during which I was allowed to wear an Arby’s tiara that made me look like the archbishop of roast beef. After I was done – and I did all right, nobody threw curly fries at me or anything – I…
I’m going to Uncrapify Your Life today with a little Monday motivation. Believe in Yourself!
If you’ve ever tried raising money for anything – a Kickstarter campaign, a small business, a non-profit, or your own squadron of attack dolphins – you’ve probably learned that it’s not always fun to ask people for money. It always helps to think of your request as “encouraging like-minded individuals to support a great cause”…
Uncrapify Your Life TV Monday! Learn how to visualize your success in Jeff’s backwards sort of way!
Unleash Your Inner Tyrant TV – Jeff Havens leadership series discusses punctuality and showing up to work on time. Did you like this video? Sign up for my newsletter here and get future episodes in your inbox. Or check out my Unleash Your Inner Tyrant! keynote presentation.
This one’s for all the administrative assistants out there. You know you’re awesome and indispensable, but it doesn’t always feel like other people think the same way. Sometimes your bosses take you for granted, and every time that happens you take a deep breath and remind yourself that murder is really hard to get away…