Jeff Havens is a speaker, author, and professional development expert who tackles leadership, generational, and professional development issues with an exceptional blend of content and entertainment. He is a contributing writer to Fast Company, Entrepreneur, BusinessWeek, The Wall Street Journal; and has been featured on CNBC and Fox Business. For more information, or to bring Jeff to your next meeting, contact Donna Buttice at Platinum Speakers Agency at 630.330.7533.
Did you know that June 13 is officially Blame Someone Else Day? I didn’t until recently – and what a relief the knowledge has been! Until now I’ve sometimes been taking responsibility for my actions. Sometimes I’ve even attempted to learn from my mistakes instead of persisting in the comfortable fiction that I have never…
Everywhere you look, new hires are endangered. Many of them are about to graduate and start their careers with hearts filled with dreams and rainbows and gummy bears, ready to frolic in the rich fjords of Employmentland. But sadly, too many of them are not prepared for the world they’re about to enter. Some of…
Father’s Day is approaching. Everywhere you go, grills and hacksaws and cologne are on sale, apparently since fathers everywhere want to smell their best while they saw their grills in half. I’m sure you’ve also run across a smattering of articles and videos espousing the wisdom that the authors acquired from their own fathers, and…
So let’s get one thing straight, Baby Boomers – you’re not babies anymore. You’re in your 50s, so stop lying to yourselves. Oh, and in case you forgot, it was your parents that did all the booming. Stop taking credit for their hard work. That said, you’re not quite the dinosaurs that young people sometimes…
Have you complained recently about download speeds for your streaming video? Wondering how you ever survived the fiery hell that was the Age of Dial-Up? Then you have completely (and blissfully) forgotten the days 80s Internet. Watch this 1981 news report about this new-fangled thing called “The Internet” to see how far we’ve really come. And…
Photo Credit: Matthew Hurst First off, I hate the word ‘millennials.’ It make them sound either like they were born on the millennium, which would make them all 14, or on the Millennium Falcon, which would make them imaginary. Fortunately for me, I’m pretty sure you hate the word too. I just put it…
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Over the years, as things age, they tend to become bitter. Delicious grapes turn into wine, succulent plums turn into prunes – and Kevin Bacon turns into a crotchety old man complaining about all those darn kids and their crappy music. If you’ve ever had trouble with someone from a different generation than you, I…
We all hate our jobs sometimes. If you’re reading this on a Monday, you might be hating it currently. Did you bruise your hand punching the steering wheel again while you were stuck in traffic? If only people would simply give you money for being awesome and leave you alone, right? Well, until that happens,…
If phrases like ‘circle the wagons’ and ‘all hands on deck’ have you wondering whether you’re in the wild west or sailing the seven seas instead of in a conference room, than you might have a problem with business jargon. Never fear! I’ve come up with a handy chart that will tell you what all that…