The Best Book for Younger Professionals
If you’re a young professional and you work with old people, this video is for you! This is the third video in our series of videos promoting my newest book, “US vs. THEM!”.
For Speaking Inquiries, Contact Donna Buttice
If you’re a young professional and you work with old people, this video is for you! This is the third video in our series of videos promoting my newest book, “US vs. THEM!”.
To listen to the marketing world, the so-called “Millennials” are the only demographic worth paying attention to anymore. To be fair, marketers have always targeted the young, and this is a huge group of young people – 80 million to be exact, even more than the Baby Boomers whose tastes and culture have until recently…
Do you work with a bunch of ‘millenials’? Well, then this video is for you. This is the second video in our series of videos promoting my newest book, “US vs. THEM!”.
Let’s start with a quiz. It’s only two questions, so I think you’ll survive.
Welcome to summer! At least I hope it’s summer where you are. So far pretty much every day of my summer has involved a 50% chance of rain, and it’s rained 90% of the time, which means that meteorologists are really bad at math. I’ve been forced to mow my grass twice a week, which…
My mother retired just over a month ago. She’d worked with the same company for the last 24 years of her career, and she loved the work that she did. But my brothers ended up getting themselves some children (you can find anything on the Internet), and apparently watching grandbabies poop is a whole lot…
The first in our series of videos promoting my newest book, “US vs. THEM!” And you should watch it, even if you hate reading or are illiterate. It’s hilarious, and features children and the worst weight-loss device ever. How did those things make it into a video about my book? You’ll just have to watch…
Hello, my aspiring professional speakers! If you’re like most people, then you loathe the idea of doing any public speaking at all. Playing music is one thing, because you can hide behind your drum set or use your guitar as a weapon in case your unappreciative audience decides to rush the stage – but there’s…
Unleash Your Inner Tyrant TV Episode 14 If you want to be a good leader, you should resist change and here’s why.
Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you a heads-up that my new book, Us Vs. Them is officially available for pre-order! . If you’ve seen my keynote by the same name, then you’ll know the purpose of the book – to banish once and for all the idiotic notion that there are four generations in…