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There was a time in the world when every day was a vacation, because we hadn’t invented work yet. All of us just wandered around enjoying every moment except for the one when we got eaten by something. But then work came along, and those glory days vanished. Now we have to schedule vacation time.…
April 23 is Administrative Assistant Day, a day where bosses the world over tell their administrative assistants to order flowers for themselves as a “token” of appreciation. But they deserve more than that. Here are 7 reasons that your administrative assistants are pretty much the only thing keeping you from bankruptcy. #1- You have no…
Every month I like to keep track of how many LinkedIn connections I have, but once you get over 500 it just says 500+ and finding the actual number is like trying to find Waldo in a field of candy canes. I’m not sure why LinkedIn likes to hide this number, but after struggling to…
I’m sure you’ve heard of the trust fall, that iconic team building exercise where you hope your colleagues don’t hate you so much that they passively watch as you fall to the ground from a chair or a tree stump or whatever. But to the best of my knowledge, nobody has ever explained the trust…
Graduation season is approaching, which means that millions of college graduates are about to begin their first post-educational job. Maybe you’re about to be a health care consultant, or perhaps you’re the newest employee at the world’s first starfish farm. But whatever job you’re about to get, here are 8 things to expect on your…
What is happening in this photo? Leave a comment with a creative caption and you could win a copy of my book How To Get Fired! Make sure to comment by 10pm on April 27, 2014. Click here to read the rules and entry requirements!
According to a recent survey, 73% of Americans say that they are overworked. And while I made that statistic up, I think it’s safe to say that you have experienced work-related stress sometime in the past month. Fortunately for you, we’ve put together a simple list of questions to help you decide if you…
First off, I’d like to say that I’m only writing this article because other people have told me that I should. I can’t remember the last time I made an independent decision for myself, and I’m hoping you’re just like me. If you’re the kind of maverick who comes up with original ideas and then…
Happy Laugh at Work Week! Hopefully you laugh at work most weeks, but this week it’s especially encouraged. Here are seven of my favorite posts from the blog to make you chuckle. Want To Be Funnier In The Office? Here’s How! – When my brother was little, he used to tell these weird, complicated stories, then at…