Jeff Havens is a speaker, author, and professional development expert who tackles leadership, generational, and professional development issues with an exceptional blend of content and entertainment. He is a contributing writer to Fast Company, Entrepreneur, BusinessWeek, The Wall Street Journal; and has been featured on CNBC and Fox Business. For more information, or to bring Jeff to your next meeting, contact Donna Buttice at Platinum Speakers Agency at 630.330.7533.
Greetings again from the United States! My wife and I recently returned from a visit to her family in Spain, where everyone is constantly eating gelato. In fact, a recent study found that the average Spaniard is 10% hydrogen, 8% oxygen, and 82% pistachio gelato. Lick a Spanish person’s arm sometime and see for yourself…
This is the last newsletter you’ll receive! OK, so that’s not really true. But it is the last one I’ll be writing to you from my home in Michigan. Except that’s not true either. But it definitely is the last one I’ll be writing from my home in Michigan for the next six months. My…
My wife and I occasionally argue about the merits of napping. She has a hard time switching off and disconnecting, and trying to do so is often more stressful for her than it is to simply keep working. I, on the other hand, try to take a nap at least every day. Except for a…
So recently Adobe decided to eliminate their employee performance review. There are probably a lot of reasons why they made this decision, but the biggest is undoubtedly because their employees hated the performance review. They hated it for the same reason all employees hate performance reviews, which is as follows:
Employee perks can be boring. Most companies allow their workers to go to the bathroom, for example, and several have electricity. But sometimes perks are newsworthy. Google makes a huge deal out of offering breakfast bars and nap pods and on-site massages for their employees. And there are even companies that will provide you with…
Greetings, my people! I write you today before heading of to Louisville, which I have learned is a city that is properly pronounced by only using the letter ‘l’ and an optional ‘v’. The city should really be spelled Lllllllllllvlllll, which would make it much easier for strangers to fit in. It’s an economy of…
History can be annoying sometimes. Usually I like learning about how people and civilizations got to be where they are. It’s supposed to be instructive, and besides it makes me feel like I’m more well-traveled than I really am. Have I seen a Sumerian ziggurat? No, but I know that was once a thing. That…
Proofreading is esential to your professionalizm. By neglecting this very simple task; you can make yerself look stoopid.
Decisions. Our life is full of them, and that’s why our lives are often very annoying. I don’t remember ever agreeing to become an adult, do you? I never asked for this. I was perfectly happy as a child, being force-fed peanut butter and jelly sandwiches because that was the easiest thing for my mom…
Nobody knows the future, of course, but it’s always fun to guess at it. So let’s make some guesses, shall we?