Effective Communication

What Is the Most Effective Type of Communication?

Since the title of this article is slightly ambiguous, let me elaborate.  If your question is, “What’s the best way to win an argument – loud angry shouting, or calm reasoned discourse?” then I can answer that right now.  Do the latter.  Problem solved. But what we’re talking about here is the method by which…

young workers are loyal too

Are Younger Workers Actually Less Loyal?

The issue of loyalty is one of the bigger generations tensions in the workplace, and no matter what industry you work in, it tends to follow the same basic pattern, and endless cycle of older, more experienced people bemoaning the lack of loyalty they see in their younger and less-experienced colleagues.  This tension is as…

How To Take Initiative

Making important decisions, acting like a leader, being a person your colleagues can count on to get the job done – all of these are qualities associated with “taking initiative.”  So if there’s a lot of extra initiative lying around, odds are you’d like to take some of it for yourself. Doing so, however, can…

Ethics Begins With Respect

Your Ethical Framework Begins With Respect

You’ve certainly heard people talk about ethics before.  Companies everywhere talk about doing business in an ethical manner, and you probably don’t want to spend a lot of time with wildly unethical people.  Now obviously, what constitutes “ethical” can differ significantly from one person to the next, so finding a solid definition of ethics is…

Setting and Changing Goals

Why We Sometimes Give Up On Our Goals (And Why That’s OK)

When I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut.  I also wanted to be a builder (which was my Lego-inspired term for ‘construction worker’), and I also wanted to dig up dinosaurs. I have done none of those things, and it’s perfectly OK.  I chose a different path, and I’m happy with it. …

The Great Resignation

How ‘The Great Resignation’ Can Work to Your Advantage

By now you’ve heard the news – everyone is quitting every job everywhere.  Nobody is actually employed anymore, and the great engine that runs our global society is grinding to a shuddering halt.  In fact, it’s probably a good time to start stocking up again on toilet paper.  Chances are the people who make it…

work shortage

A New Explanation For The Current Labor Shortage

By now you’re undoubtedly aware of the latest pandemic paradox: at the same time millions of people are out of work, millions of employers can’t find workers.  The explanations for our current labor shortage have been chalked up to a variety of causes from health concerns to unemployment benefits to remote schooling.  I’m not going…