Effective Communication

What Is the Most Effective Type of Communication?

Since the title of this article is slightly ambiguous, let me elaborate.  If your question is, “What’s the best way to win an argument – loud angry shouting, or calm reasoned discourse?” then I can answer that right now.  Do the latter.  Problem solved. But what we’re talking about here is the method by which…

the most important sentence in leadership

The Most Important Sentence in Leadership

At its most basic, effective leadership consists of two key components.  One of them is the human element – that’s the part where you’re showing and telling the people who work for you that you’re glad they’re there.  This is the piece of leadership that gets the most attention, because there are an endless number…

What You Can Learn From a Pig Farmer

What You Can Learn from Pig Farmers and Pharmacies

One of the things I’ve always enjoyed about my job is the opportunity to meet people living in places I would otherwise probably never go, doing things I know almost nothing about.  It’s given me a chance to see a much broader cross-section of the world than I think most jobs allow for, and my…

The Great Resignation

How ‘The Great Resignation’ Can Work to Your Advantage

By now you’ve heard the news – everyone is quitting every job everywhere.  Nobody is actually employed anymore, and the great engine that runs our global society is grinding to a shuddering halt.  In fact, it’s probably a good time to start stocking up again on toilet paper.  Chances are the people who make it…