how to use luck to your advantage

How to Think Productively About Luck

In almost everything we accomplish in life, there are three contributing factors to our success – the work we put into achieving the thing, the intelligence and creativity we apply in pursuit of our goal, and the blind fortune of dumb luck.  Most of us spend most of our time thinking about how to improve…

2025 Vision

One Simple Key to a Happy 2025

Now with a title like that, this article could be about anything.  “Win the next billion-dollar Powerball!” for example, would for many readers constitute a surefire path toward a happy 2025.  “Stop doing stupid things!” is another excellent suggestion, and one I hope to follow more closely this year than I have in years past.…

Innovation Article by Jeff Havens

How Our Best Ideas Come To Us

Everyone everywhere is interested in innovation.  Of the various keynote addresses that I’ve created over the years, my Uncrapify Your Future! keynote on innovation is easily the most popular.  And I understand why.  Coming up with solutions to problems, or taking advantage of possible opportunities, is one of the key drivers of success, both professionally…

Effective Communication

What Is the Most Effective Type of Communication?

Since the title of this article is slightly ambiguous, let me elaborate.  If your question is, “What’s the best way to win an argument – loud angry shouting, or calm reasoned discourse?” then I can answer that right now.  Do the latter.  Problem solved. But what we’re talking about here is the method by which…

overcoming impostor syndrome

Overcoming Impostor Syndrome

Impostor syndrome is one of the most insidious challenges to our mental well-being.  In case you aren’t familiar with the phrase (although I’m guessing you are), impostor syndrome is a fairly common phenomenon in which individuals doubt their abilities and/or feel like they don’t deserve their accomplishments.  Put another way, you think you’re in over…